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In this article titled “Checking for Leaks and Securing the New Location of a Garden Hose Faucet with Sharkbite Connectors,” you will find step-by-step instructions on how to move a garden hose faucet to a different location. The article outlines the process, which involves using Sharkbite connectors to transition from copper tubing to PEX tubing, digging a trench to the new location, and ensuring the protection of the PEX tubing.

The recommended tools and items needed for this project include PEX tubing, tubing cutter, PEX depth gauge, SharkBite ball valve, SharkBite hose bib, sawzall, drill, pickaxe, trench shovel, copper tubing cutter, plastic conduit, utility knife, protective foam, steel wool or sandpaper, and a torch.

The article emphasizes the importance of turning off the water at the main before starting any plumbing work and concludes with instructions on checking for leaks and securing the hose bib valve in its new location using a wooden spacer.

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide on how to move a garden hose faucet to a new location, this article is for you. It provides detailed instructions, tips, and a list of necessary tools and items, ensuring a successful relocation. Follow along as the video by Bru Builds takes you through the process step by step, from cutting and re-sweating copper connections to burying the PEX tubing and attaching the hose bib valve.

The article also highlights the importance of protecting the PEX tubing from potential damage and concludes with a reminder to turn off the water at the main before beginning any plumbing work. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or just looking to make some improvements around your home, this article is a valuable resource for moving your garden hose faucet with ease.

Preparing for the Move

Before you start moving your garden hose faucet, it is important to gather all the necessary tools and materials. This will ensure that you have everything you need to complete the job efficiently and effectively. Some of the tools and materials you will need include:

  • PEX tubing
  • Tubing cutter
  • PEX depth gauge
  • SharkBite ball valve
  • SharkBite hose bib
  • Sawzall
  • Drill driver
  • Pickaxe
  • Trench shovel
  • Copper tubing cutter
  • 1″ Plastic conduit
  • Utility knife
  • Protective foam
  • Steel wool or sandpaper
  • Torch

Once you have gathered all the tools and materials, you can proceed to the next steps of the process.

Checking for Leaks and Securing the New Location of a Garden Hose Faucet with Sharkbite Connectors

Turning off the Water Supply

Before you begin any work on the plumbing, it is crucial to turn off the water supply at the main. This will prevent any water from flowing while you are making changes to the system. Make sure you open up the faucet after turning off the main water supply to let any remaining water drain out.

Assessing the New Location

Take some time to assess the new location where you want to move your garden hose faucet. Consider factors such as convenience, accessibility, and proximity to water sources. This will help you determine the best spot for the new faucet.

Removing the Old Hose Faucet

To remove the old hose faucet, you will need to follow a few steps. This process involves disconnecting the copper tubing, cutting the copper tubing, and removing the old faucet.

Disconnecting the Copper Tubing

Using a tubing cutter, carefully disconnect the copper tubing from the old hose faucet. Make sure to cut the tubing approximately five inches away from the elbow to have enough space to work with in the next steps.

Cutting the Copper Tubing

After disconnecting the copper tubing, you will need to cut it to prepare for the transition to PEX tubing. Use a copper tubing cutter to make a clean and precise cut. Ensure that the copper tubing is perfectly round and free from any blemishes or imperfections.

Removing the Old Faucet

Once the copper tubing is cut, you can remove the old faucet from the connection. This will create space for the new SharkBite connectors and PEX tubing.

Transitioning to PEX Tubing

To transition from copper tubing to PEX tubing, you will need to use SharkBite connectors. This process involves understanding SharkBite connectors, selecting the right connector, attaching SharkBite connectors to copper tubing, and connecting PEX tubing to SharkBite connectors.

Understanding SharkBite Connectors

SharkBite connectors are innovative fittings that allow for quick and secure connections between copper and PEX tubing. They are designed to be easily removable, making them ideal for DIY projects.

Selecting the Right Connector

Before attaching the SharkBite connectors to the copper tubing, ensure that you have selected the correct connector size for your specific setup. This will ensure a proper and secure connection between the copper and PEX tubing.

Attaching SharkBite Connectors to Copper Tubing

To attach the SharkBite connectors to the copper tubing, first, clean the copper tubing surface with steel wool or sandpaper. This will ensure a clean and smooth surface for a secure connection. Then, use a depth gauge tool to mark the depth to which the SharkBite fitting needs to go. Push the fitting onto the marked point until it is securely in place.

Connecting PEX Tubing to SharkBite Connectors

Once the SharkBite connectors are securely attached to the copper tubing, you can connect the PEX tubing to the connectors. Make sure the PEX tubing is clean and free from any debris. Push the PEX tubing into the SharkBite connector until it reaches the marked depth. This will create a secure and watertight connection.

Digging a Trench

To bury the PEX tubing to the new location, you will need to dig a trench. This process involves determining the trench length and depth, using a trench shovel and pickaxe, and creating an underground path for the PEX tubing.

Determining the Trench Length and Depth

Before you start digging the trench, it is important to determine the appropriate length and depth for the trench. Consider factors such as the distance from the old faucet to the new location and any potential obstacles in the area.

Using the Trench Shovel and Pickaxe

Once you have determined the length and depth of the trench, you can start digging using a trench shovel and pickaxe. These tools will make the digging process easier and more efficient. Remember to wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and safety goggles, while digging.

Creating an Underground Path for the PEX Tubing

As you dig the trench, make sure to create a clear and straight path for the PEX tubing. This will ensure easy installation and prevent any kinks or bends in the tubing. Take your time to properly position the tubing within the trench.

Burying the PEX Tubing

After digging the trench and creating a clear path, you can start burying the PEX tubing. This process involves preparing the PEX tubing, placing the tubing in the trench, covering the tubing with protective foam, and securing the tubing with plastic conduit.

Preparing the PEX Tubing

Before placing the PEX tubing in the trench, it is important to prepare it properly. Clean the tubing thoroughly and ensure that it is free from any debris or obstructions. This will ensure a smooth and secure installation.

Placing the PEX Tubing in the Trench

Once the PEX tubing is prepared, carefully place it in the trench, following the predetermined path. Take care to avoid any sharp or rough surfaces that could potentially damage the tubing. Make sure the tubing is properly positioned and aligned.

Covering the Tubing with Protective Foam

To protect the PEX tubing from the elements and potential damage, cover it with protective foam. This foam will provide insulation and prevent any direct contact with the soil. Make sure the foam covers the entire length of the tubing in the trench.

Securing the Tubing with Plastic Conduit

To further protect the PEX tubing, secure it with plastic conduit. This conduit will provide an additional layer of protection against UV rays and potential damage. Slide the conduit over the tubing and make sure it is properly aligned and secure.

Attaching the New Hose Bib Valve

Once the PEX tubing is installed and secured, you can proceed to attach the new hose bib valve. This process involves selecting a suitable location, installing the hose bib valve, and using a wooden spacer for support.

Selecting a Suitable Location

Before installing the hose bib valve, carefully consider the location to ensure that it is convenient and easily accessible. Choose a spot that is close to the area where you will be using the hose the most.

Installing the Hose Bib Valve

To install the hose bib valve, first, mark the desired location on the wall or structure where you want it to be mounted. Use a drill driver to create the necessary holes for the mounting screws. Once the holes are drilled, attach the hose bib valve using suitable screws or fasteners.

Using a Wooden Spacer for Support

To provide additional support for the hose bib valve, use a wooden spacer. This spacer will prevent any stress or strain on the valve and ensure a secure and stable installation. Attach the wooden spacer between the valve and the mounting surface using appropriate screws or fasteners.

Checking for Leaks

After completing the installation of the new hose bib valve, it is crucial to check for any leaks before using the system. This process involves turning on the water supply, inspecting the connections, and identifying and fixing any leaks that may be present.

Turning on the Water Supply

Before checking for leaks, make sure to turn on the water supply at the main. Slowly open the valve and let the water flow through the system. Monitor the connections and observe if any leaks occur.

Inspecting the Connections

While the water is flowing, closely inspect all the connections for any signs of leakage. Check the SharkBite connectors, PEX tubing, and hose bib valve for any drips or water seepage. If you notice any leaks, you will need to identify and fix them before proceeding.

Identifying and Fixing Leaks

If you detect any leaks during the inspection, it is important to address them promptly. Turn off the water supply and assess the source of the leak. Depending on the type and severity of the leak, you may need to replace or adjust the affected component. Ensure that all connections are tight and secure to prevent any future leaks.

Securing the Hose Bib Valve

Once you have confirmed that there are no leaks in the system, you can proceed to secure the hose bib valve in its new location. This process involves adjusting the position of the valve, placing a wooden spacer, and securing the valve with screws.

Adjusting the Position of the Valve

If you need to adjust the position of the hose bib valve, carefully loosen the fasteners and reposition it as needed. Take care not to damage any of the connections or components during the adjustment process. Once the valve is in the desired position, tighten the fasteners to secure it.

Placing a Wooden Spacer

To provide additional support and stability for the hose bib valve, place a wooden spacer between the valve and the mounting surface. This spacer will help distribute the weight and prevent any strain on the connections. Align the spacer properly and ensure it is securely in place.

Securing the Valve with Screws

With the wooden spacer in place, proceed to secure the hose bib valve using suitable screws or fasteners. Make sure the valve is firmly attached to the mounting surface and cannot move or shift. Double-check all the connections and ensure that everything is tight and secure.

Protecting the PEX Tubing

To ensure the longevity and durability of the PEX tubing, it is crucial to take steps to protect it from potential damage. This process involves following guidelines to prevent damage, adding steel wool or sandpaper, applying a protective coating, and ensuring adequate insulation.

Guidelines to Prevent Damage

To prevent damage to the PEX tubing, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Make sure the tubing is installed in a location where it is protected from physical impacts or sharp objects. Additionally, avoid any chemical exposure that could potentially degrade the tubing.

Adding Steel Wool or Sandpaper

To further protect the PEX tubing from potential damage, consider adding an extra layer of protection. Wrap the tubing with steel wool or use sandpaper to create a barrier against abrasive surfaces or critters that may attempt to chew through the tubing.

Applying a Protective Coating

To protect the PEX tubing from UV rays and potential degradation, consider applying a protective coating. There are various coatings available in the market specifically designed for PEX tubing. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to apply the coating evenly and effectively.

Ensuring Adequate Insulation

To protect the PEX tubing from freezing temperatures or extreme weather conditions, ensure that it is adequately insulated. Use insulation materials specifically designed for plumbing applications, and ensure that all exposed sections of the tubing are covered. This will prevent any potential damage or freezing of the tubing.


Moving a garden hose faucet may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a manageable DIY project. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully relocate your hose faucet to a more convenient and accessible location. Remember to gather all the necessary tools and materials, turn off the water supply before beginning any work, and check for leaks before considering the job complete. With proper preparation and careful execution, you can enjoy the benefits of a perfectly located garden hose faucet in your yard.

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